You’ve always wanted to be a writer

Maybe you've stuffed half-written manuscripts in the drawer for years or journaled in private for decades. You want to write to encourage and strengthen other women in a public space, but...

  • You don't know where to start.

  • You're a beginner writer afraid of making mistakes.

  • You've already written a few posts but hear crickets every time.

  • You're not sure who you're writing to.

  • You think you can't do this because you're not a "real writer."

You've heard that your voice is important

but trying to find yours makes you feel...

  • Overwhelmed

    Even though you know God has called you to this work

  • Scared

    To make a mistake when you're getting started

  • Too busy

    To find the time to write consistently

The good news?

Facing these daunting thoughts is part of the process. The only thing standing between you and your calling as a writer is acknowledging those emotions and moving ahead anyway.

I remember feeling the same way

 When I started writing online, I  believed  I couldn't write something people would actually want to read. 

I feared failure. I doubted I was a writer. 

And even when those thoughts subsided, I couldn't decide what to write about.

I'm a pastor's wife, so I could've written devotionals for women with men behind the pulpit.

Or, I could have journaled about our journey to get pregnant naturally after years of infertility and miscarriage.

After much trial and error, however, I finally discovered my "zone of genius," where I could put my energy in a writing ministry (and career!) that impacted people. (It's helping other writers improve their writing craft and life, in case you're curious.) 

And you can too. 

For the last few years, I was following a three-step process I didn't even realize was setting me up for success. 

You'll learn the same three-step process to create foundational habits for a lifelong writing ministry you not only LOVE but that impacts others too. 

Learn the three-step process to create a lifelong framework for a successful writing ministry

If you're tired of "dabbling"

This course is for the Christian nonfiction writer who is tired of just "dabbling," letting fear win the day. You're ready to build a writing ministry you love. 

It's not only possible--but FUN--to pursue your calling as a writer. You CAN work through your fears and failures and come out the other end a stronger writer. 

Before you spend months--or even years--trying to gain traction, this course will give you the tools to create momentum that lasts.

Become a confident writer and pursue your writing calling

with this introductory three-part mini-course perfect for beginner Christian nonfiction writers

The Three-Step Process for Finding Your Voice and Validating Your Ideas

Module #1: Knowing Your Thoughts

  • Breaking down the three steps

  • How mindset will make or break your writing career

  • Clarity on YOUR definitions of success, not everyone else's

Module #2: Knowing Your Readers

  • THE key to validating your idea and knowing if it'll work

  • Creating an ideal reader profile that will keep you focused

  • What to do if you feel constricted

Module #3: Knowing Your Passions

  • The three “p”s of knowing your passion

  • An important, but often overlooked, principle in gaining clarity

  • Exercises to continue to get clarity well after you finish this course

Your writing matters because YOU matter

Something has held you back for years. Maybe fear, maybe imposter syndrome, maybe lack of time.

Whatever it is, it's time to confront it head on. 

Your writing is an act not only of obedience, but of love because it can help others. 

This course will give you the foundational pieces to keep loving. 

This course is short so even if you're limited with your time, you don’t have to limit your progress.

Each module is jam-packed with some of my best coaching and editing practices.

Imagine if you felt...

  • Confident

    In who you're talking to and what you want to say to them

  • Excited

    To build a platform and gain readers in an authentic, God-honoring way

  • Intentional

    In your goals and overall direction for your writing career

How I've helped other writers like you

“The biggest hurdle I was experiencing in my writing was feeling the pressure to do what others are doing. Mikaela helped me to shed limiting beliefs and labels I didn't know I had and find my own unique voice again! So often I would think "I'm not sure what we could talk about in today's session," but Mikaela is an amazing listener and was always able to pick up on something I wasn't noticing. She is a huge help and highly recommend her coaching!”

Lanna Andersen

“Mikaela helped me sort through the jumbled mess of thoughts that have been hindering me from making progress with my writing goals. She helped me reframe negative thoughts, develop attainable action plans, and point me in the right direction, as I’ve lacked clarity in how I want to proceed with editing and publication. I would highly recommend Mikaela to any writer!”

Erica Dansereau

Your Instructor

Mikaela Mathews

Writer, editor, + coach. I get a thrill out of helping Christian women find clarity and confidence in their writing life and craft. Read more about how I can help you do that here:

Access to a professional editor + certified writing coach for only $27

Become the writer you've dreamed of being.